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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Proposed Film Concept

The original idea we had for our teaser trailer came in a series of events showing the inevitable disaster of a cal and loving relationship.
Here is the basic plot lay out of our idea;
1) A calm smooth opening showing a couple picnicking with a beautiful country side view.
2) A kidnapper arrives and takes the wife after attacking and knocking the man unconscious.
3) The husband's inevitable realisation occurs with no help being offered from the local constabulary.
4) Against all his better wishes he decides to take revenge and find his girlfriend
5) The husband rescues his girlfriend and the they let the happy times role on.

This is somewhat similar to Todorov's Theory of Narrative;Todorov's theory is a basic structure for all narratives. In this theory he states that films and programmes all begin with an equilibrium, a calm period. Then agents of disruption cause disequilibrium (something bad happens, in my case the man's girlfriend gets kidnapped), a period of un-settlement and disquiet (His realisation of this and his struggle to cope). This is then followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists and a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end.(Our Antagonist taking revenge for his girlfriend's kidnapping)

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